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  • 408 Broadway
  • New York, NY
  • 10013, United States
  • USA
  • 1615 N Damen
  • Chicago, IL
  • 60647, United States
  • Europe
  • Rua da Prata 80
  • Lisboa
  • 1100-420, Portugal

server rendered


Since 2020, ECI, a provider of cloud-based ERP industry specific software, has partnered with Ruca as their brand and marketing partner. With an aggressive A&M strategy, Ruca conducts in depth market research to define and brand new products in the ECI portfolio. In addition, Ruca delivers ongoing design and content development in support of ECI’s marketing team including portfolio, social, and demand gen marketing efforts.

Ruca also provides ongoing technology and UI/UX design services to support ECI’s ongoing website evolution and optimization.

In the wild: